Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So when Collin was about 3 he decided that he had a friend. His friend's name is "you" although we are not exactly sure if he spells it "u", "ewe" "yu" or "you". You has been on many adventures and has been the cause of chaos and mess making in our lives. We still never can be sure when you will show up and what he will have done. Most of the time you wears a blue shirt and he is tall. We have found out that you is a crazy driver and he likes to run. You has a cousin named Kenan that sometimes comes along. Just the other day you and kenan went to the zoo. So if something odd happens in your house, maybe you did it.


So Collin tells me at dinner. "Me and Daddy went hiking today." So I ask did you find anything? he says "Yes, we found a dead alligator....(wait) lizard" For a second there thought maybe there was an alligator in the hills of Northern California. he found an alligator lizrd in the yard yesterday that he brought in the house for daddy to "hold". He did bring home a couple of tadpoles the other day that he found on a different hike. He caught his first snake when he was three and his first lizard when he was two, it was my Valentines present. He loves Bindi and would like to meet her someday.


My son asks today "is Camarillo latex gloves free?" asking about the hospital being latex free. My husband and I just giggle thinking how funny that he would ask about Latex- I am highly allergic. He also wanted to make sure that New York was "latex gloves free" so that we could go there some day too.