Sunday, September 28, 2008

School Days

So Bug didn't have the best day at school on Thursday. When he came home he told me that it was a very bad day. I asked him what happened he said "I just couldn't sit quietly at carpet time." Me "Well the teacher really wants you to be quiet when it is circle time." Bug "I know, I just don't know what my problem is." Me "I'm not sure either" bug "Well I'll try harder tomorrow"


Tomorrow is bug's day to bring something for sharing. We are not entirely sure what to bring. WE do know that he is not supposed to bring toys and that there are themes that the item should fall under (Ginger bread man, Little red hen, Rainbow fish, and Chick Chicka Boom Boom). Last week was a couple of others turn for sharing. So I dared to ask "What did Anna Kathryn bring to share?" He shrugs his shoulders while saying "I didn't ask." Well then. "What did Adam bring?" again shrugging shoulders "I didn't ask him either" How helpful was that. Still no clue on what to bring

Sunday, September 14, 2008


So I try not to curse or swear in front of my child but sometimes He gets the worst of me. Today he had a splinter in his hand. I get the tweezers or as he calls them the tweezlers. I hold his hand to find the culprit then he pulls away saying no, no. I grab his hand again and say my usual "God bless me". He responds with "God bless me too. I don't want to be hurt." two seconds later the splinter is out and he is on his way. So my cursing is not too bad, I will never forget the day that I decided that I needed to be really careful. HE was 2 and I said G*D Dammit. HE then laughed hysterically jumping on the bed yelling G*D dammit for 10 minutes. He has however learned to use crap in a sentence from my hubby's brilliant vernacular. Really in the grand scheme of things the worse we say is stupid or sucks. Which is really difficultto leave out of the vocabulary.

Monday, September 8, 2008


So bug has officially started kindergarten. He has been for the last 2 weeks. I of course am sad at the loss of toddlerhood. He likes school for the most part but of course would love to play more. He has a new friend at school who he adores. He told me today that his nw friend is "distractable". What a big word for such a small guy. He then told me he helps his friend "stay on track". Before I know it bug will be in college and I will be left in the dust


My bug was playing with the next door neighbor the other day and this was the conversation. scene- outside in the yard playing water guns
Bug "I am going to get you" shooting water gun
Friend "I am going to get you!" shoot gun
Bug "Ahh, wait. I am almost out of Elmo."
Friend "I am out of Elmo too."
Bug "Mom we are out of Elmo. Can you fill our guns again please?"
Me "You want me to fill them with Elmo?"
Bug and Friend together "Please, we want to play water guns!"
Me "More Elmo it is then."


Bug "Mommy I love you."
Me"I love you to"
Bug "I want you to stay with me forever."
Me "Forever? Even when you are a teenager and you don't want me around."
Bug "When I am a teenager and say I don't want you around I really want you to be with me."
Me "Can I videotape you saying that"
Bug "Sure. I love you forever and Ever."
My heart melts

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So bug had a dentist appointment today. They drugged him up a bit before they brought him to the back for his fillings. On the way home he says "I need a lot of care. This hurts too much." OF course he was talking with the numb cheek lisp. We took him to Target to get an icee drink to dull the pain. He couldn't suck on the straw, it was drooling out everywhere. Felt relly bad, but it was quite amusing. OF course we are the worst parents ever for getting him an icee after getting cavities filled.


Me "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Bug "Two"