Saturday, June 28, 2008


So we had a mini vacation last week. WE had a road trip down to Morro Bay where we camped and played. The camp sites were packed. We had a hard time finding one, and after looking at a couple bug decided "I can't take this anymore, you are making me crazy." He wanted to set up camp on the side of the road or in a parking lot as long as it was near the beach. Thankfully we found a site that was walking distance to a little cove. Once we had set up camp another family arrived. The family consisted of 2 teenage boys and 2 teenage girls, plus their parents. Bug being so painfully shy decided that he was the camp greeter. He hopped on scooter (that is what he calls his scooter) and road across the narrow road to their site. After introducing himself, telling them every last detail about his life the mother asks "who is on your scooter" he looks at her, looks around and says "me". we all start laughing, then the mother replies "I meant who is the picture of" bug says "I thought you forgot my name". The whole time we were there he was at their site. I even offered to let them keep him.
While at the cove bug decided that he would no longer wear his "swim shirt" a SPF rash guard that I always put him in. He has had one since he was an infant. HE wanted to be like the other boys. He went as far as asking a young man why he wasn't wearing a shirt. the man replied that he wanted a tan. Bug looks at him and asks "what is a tan?" So right then and there he decided that he needed a tan too. He is lucky enough to have my olive skin and not burn but I still lather him in SPF 50.
Since our plans for trip fell through we decided that we would kayak. It has been a long time since I have paddled and bug has never been. We rented a tandem for us and Hubby went solo. We paddled the bay, bug makes a nice rudder especially if you like to turn to the right. Every time we would enter a shallow area he would hop out and say "I can even touch the bottom right here!". We paddled aimlessly for a while going what ever direction he happened to point and shout "that way sir". He was the captain and I the crew. We ended up going to a huge sand drift where he got out. He "explored the beach" looking for shells and such. We found a bone from something that was declared "a whale bone". The bone had to come back with us. He was very interested in the crab shells that had littered the beach as well as the clam shells. Once we paddled back to the dock it was off to lunch. Fish and Chips of course.
We headed back towards home after lunch, stopping at every beach along the way. He had to swim at all of them. Hubby asked why and bugs answer was "I haven't been to that one yet." Our favorite beach was Pebble Beach, with the powdered sand and crystal clear water. I have declared that we will live there after i win the lottery twice, or become insanely wealthy (whichever comes first).
We had a great little trip and would love to go back soon. We have learned though that you need to make sure you have a full tank of gas before taking the 1 through Big Sur. unless of course you like to pay almost $7 a gallon for gas.

Road Trip

We recently took a road trip down to Morro Bay. We were camping for 2 days and site seeing. After looking at 2 campgrounds our boy tells us. "Just find one. I can't take this anymore!" He was tired from the 3 hour drive and the tease of seeing the ocean from his window. He even offered to have us camp in the parking lot by the beach just so he could play.
Thankfully we found a great spot only a short walk from a cove. Once we had set up camp another family arrived. Our shy little one decided he was the campsite greeter. He rode his Spider man scooter across the rode to tell them hello. The mother of that family was talking to him and found out his name, how old he was, that his cat had run away and where he lived. She asks him. "Who is that on your scooter?" Bug looks around with a funny look and says "Me" we all laugh and the lady then says "no I mean the picture." Bug that the whole thing was funny and said "Oh I thought you forgot my name."
While at the beach he decided that he would not wear his rash guard. He has worn one since he was an infant. (Plus the 50SPF that I reapply constantly.)He has been noticing that other boys and men do not always wear a shirt. He even walked up to a young man while at the beach to ask why. He asked "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" the man replied. "I want to get a tan" bug "What is a tan?". So not really knowing what a tan is he has decided that he should have one too. Mind you he has my olive skin and has not ever burned but I don't want to risk skin cancer.
We decided on our trip to paddle the bay. Bug had not yet been in a kayak and it has been years for me. We rented one in the bay and off we went. He makes a nice rudder if you want to turn to the right. Anytime we would be in a shallow area of the bay he would hop out and say "look I can even stand here!" "I can push the boat for you". in and out of the kayak constantly. and the direction we paddled was directly related to where he would point his finger and say "That way sir". He was the captain and I was the crew. We had such a great time. we ended up on a little sandy beach opposite of the dock where once again my boy jumped out. He "explored" the beach for a while. We found a bone of some sort and a lot of shells. Bug decided that we needed to take the "whale bone" back with us. He was very fascinated by the crap shells that littered the beach. We ended up with a few of those too. after a long paddle back to the dock we were off to lunch. Fish and chips of course!
WE had to stop at every beach on the way back home so that he could swim. Hubby was wondering why we needed to stop at every beach and bug's reply "because I haven't been to that one yet". By far our favorite beach that day was Pebble beach. After I win the lottery twice we will move there.


So we took our bug to the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom about a month ago. Of course he always has the best things to tell us.
So this was the first time he felt old enough to ride on the rides by himself. They kids area has a ton of rides that the kids can go on alone if they are tall enough. he decided to ride the little roller coaster by himself. once the ride was finished he said "that really surprised me. I wasn't expecting that!" Funny thing was he had just watched other kids riding it moments before.
While watching the tigers pace in their enclosure he decides to call out "here kitty, kitty. Here kitty, kitty. I taste just like chicken!" The tiger was only a few feet away when he is saying this. My hubby and I look at each other and then my hubby says "Did you tell him to say that?". No of course not! But we about died laughing anyway.
later that afternoon he found a stuffed frog in one of the shops that he just had to have. He was begging us to buy it for him. IT was one of those that has the long arms that Velcro together. He wore it around his neck the rest of the day. In fact he must now sleep with it in his bed. My hubby and I find this very odd considering that he refused from the moment he was born to attach to anything- no blanket, no teddy bear, no thumb or finger sucking. Now he is sleeping with the frog- who is named Froggy, a shark that he got years ago and a turtle that I bought when he was born. Maybe now he won't need us so much. Well I guess I hope he will need me for a long time.