Saturday, June 28, 2008


So we had a mini vacation last week. WE had a road trip down to Morro Bay where we camped and played. The camp sites were packed. We had a hard time finding one, and after looking at a couple bug decided "I can't take this anymore, you are making me crazy." He wanted to set up camp on the side of the road or in a parking lot as long as it was near the beach. Thankfully we found a site that was walking distance to a little cove. Once we had set up camp another family arrived. The family consisted of 2 teenage boys and 2 teenage girls, plus their parents. Bug being so painfully shy decided that he was the camp greeter. He hopped on scooter (that is what he calls his scooter) and road across the narrow road to their site. After introducing himself, telling them every last detail about his life the mother asks "who is on your scooter" he looks at her, looks around and says "me". we all start laughing, then the mother replies "I meant who is the picture of" bug says "I thought you forgot my name". The whole time we were there he was at their site. I even offered to let them keep him.
While at the cove bug decided that he would no longer wear his "swim shirt" a SPF rash guard that I always put him in. He has had one since he was an infant. HE wanted to be like the other boys. He went as far as asking a young man why he wasn't wearing a shirt. the man replied that he wanted a tan. Bug looks at him and asks "what is a tan?" So right then and there he decided that he needed a tan too. He is lucky enough to have my olive skin and not burn but I still lather him in SPF 50.
Since our plans for trip fell through we decided that we would kayak. It has been a long time since I have paddled and bug has never been. We rented a tandem for us and Hubby went solo. We paddled the bay, bug makes a nice rudder especially if you like to turn to the right. Every time we would enter a shallow area he would hop out and say "I can even touch the bottom right here!". We paddled aimlessly for a while going what ever direction he happened to point and shout "that way sir". He was the captain and I the crew. We ended up going to a huge sand drift where he got out. He "explored the beach" looking for shells and such. We found a bone from something that was declared "a whale bone". The bone had to come back with us. He was very interested in the crab shells that had littered the beach as well as the clam shells. Once we paddled back to the dock it was off to lunch. Fish and Chips of course.
We headed back towards home after lunch, stopping at every beach along the way. He had to swim at all of them. Hubby asked why and bugs answer was "I haven't been to that one yet." Our favorite beach was Pebble Beach, with the powdered sand and crystal clear water. I have declared that we will live there after i win the lottery twice, or become insanely wealthy (whichever comes first).
We had a great little trip and would love to go back soon. We have learned though that you need to make sure you have a full tank of gas before taking the 1 through Big Sur. unless of course you like to pay almost $7 a gallon for gas.

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