Saturday, June 28, 2008

Road Trip

We recently took a road trip down to Morro Bay. We were camping for 2 days and site seeing. After looking at 2 campgrounds our boy tells us. "Just find one. I can't take this anymore!" He was tired from the 3 hour drive and the tease of seeing the ocean from his window. He even offered to have us camp in the parking lot by the beach just so he could play.
Thankfully we found a great spot only a short walk from a cove. Once we had set up camp another family arrived. Our shy little one decided he was the campsite greeter. He rode his Spider man scooter across the rode to tell them hello. The mother of that family was talking to him and found out his name, how old he was, that his cat had run away and where he lived. She asks him. "Who is that on your scooter?" Bug looks around with a funny look and says "Me" we all laugh and the lady then says "no I mean the picture." Bug that the whole thing was funny and said "Oh I thought you forgot my name."
While at the beach he decided that he would not wear his rash guard. He has worn one since he was an infant. (Plus the 50SPF that I reapply constantly.)He has been noticing that other boys and men do not always wear a shirt. He even walked up to a young man while at the beach to ask why. He asked "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" the man replied. "I want to get a tan" bug "What is a tan?". So not really knowing what a tan is he has decided that he should have one too. Mind you he has my olive skin and has not ever burned but I don't want to risk skin cancer.
We decided on our trip to paddle the bay. Bug had not yet been in a kayak and it has been years for me. We rented one in the bay and off we went. He makes a nice rudder if you want to turn to the right. Anytime we would be in a shallow area of the bay he would hop out and say "look I can even stand here!" "I can push the boat for you". in and out of the kayak constantly. and the direction we paddled was directly related to where he would point his finger and say "That way sir". He was the captain and I was the crew. We had such a great time. we ended up on a little sandy beach opposite of the dock where once again my boy jumped out. He "explored" the beach for a while. We found a bone of some sort and a lot of shells. Bug decided that we needed to take the "whale bone" back with us. He was very fascinated by the crap shells that littered the beach. We ended up with a few of those too. after a long paddle back to the dock we were off to lunch. Fish and chips of course!
WE had to stop at every beach on the way back home so that he could swim. Hubby was wondering why we needed to stop at every beach and bug's reply "because I haven't been to that one yet". By far our favorite beach that day was Pebble beach. After I win the lottery twice we will move there.

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